注重积累 厚积薄发

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学生积累语言的过程,是一个长期的、艰巨的过程,语文教师应从各种渠道引导学生积累语言,努力构建开放式的语文教学模式,教给学生积累语言的方法,才能使他们采集到更多的原材料,建立一个属于自己的语言仓库。“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”只要坚持不懈,勤加积累,厚积薄发,学生的语文素养一定能得到极大的提高。 Students accumulate language process is a long-term and arduous process, language teachers should guide students to accumulate language from various channels, and strive to build an open language teaching mode, teach students to accumulate language, in order to enable them to collect more Of the raw materials, create a language warehouse of their own. “Asks where the clearance is clear, for the active living water to come. ” As long as perseverance, diligently accumulate, Accumulate, the student’s Chinese literacy will be greatly improved.