41岁的曲秀堂已经单人单车行走了4年。他14次过长江,15次渡黄河,到过除港澳台以外国内的各省、区、市,行程达4万多公里。 身为一个白血病患者,他执著地宣传着扶危济困、救死扶伤的红十字精神,呼吁建立中华骨髓库、器官库,建立社会医疗救济专项基金。 他的计划确实感人。比如说,他想动员全国的中青年每人每年少抽一包烟,少用一瓶化妆品,捐出10元钱,那样国家每年大约就有500到1000亿的社会医疗救援基金,让血液病、癌症和需要做器官移植手术的人免费得到救治;他还要单车再走10年,到全球传播慈善、博爱,计划行
Qu Xiutang, 41, has been walking alone for 4 years. He crossed the Yangtze River on 14 occasions and crossed the Yellow River on 15 occasions, traveling more than 40,000 kilometers to all provinces, regions and cities outside Hong Kong, Maucao and Taiwan. As a leukemia patient, he persistently advocates the Red Cross spirit of helping the poor and saving lives and wounded, calling for the establishment of a Chinese bone marrow bank and organ bank, and establishing a special fund for social medical relief. His plan is touching. For example, he wants to mobilize middle-aged and young people across the country to smoke a pack of cigarettes a year less, use less of a bottle of cosmetics and donate 10 yuan. That way, there are about 50 to 100 billion social medical aid funds each year in the country, , Cancer and people who need organ transplant surgery get free treatment; he also bike another 10 years to spread the world charity, fraternity, plan line