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由上海外国语学院院长戴炜栋教授主编的九年制义务教育英语课本为我国发达地区中小学英语系列教材,供小学三年级到初中三年级教学使用。其中七~十四册(由上海外语教育出版社出版)供五四制或六三制六年级到九年级教学使用。该教材第七、八册日前经国家教委中小学教材审定委员会审查通过。审查组专家们认为,该教材是对我国传统的外语教学路子的一次改革。它既吸收了当代外语教学的新思想,又考虑到了我国的具体国情。从我国社会需要和师资等办学条件出发,采用这样的编写路子是可行的。专家们还认为新教材有下列优点:1.把思想品德教育渗透到语言教学中;2.编写指导思想明确,特点明显;3.题材较宽,体裁多样,总体安排有新意;4.语法处理简洁;5.练习紧扣每课要点,题型多样化。是一套值得推广的好教材。为此本刊编辑部约请该系列教材的副主编张慧芬副教授就此教材的编写原则,指导思想和试用情况简要介绍。便于使用该教材的广大教师参考。 The nine-year compulsory education English textbook edited by Professor Dai Weidong, dean of Shanghai International Studies University, is a series of textbooks for elementary and middle schools in developed areas in China. It is used for teaching from the third grade to the third grade of middle school. Among them, seven to fourteen volumes (published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) are for teaching in the May Fourth or June-June system from the sixth grade to the ninth grade. The seventh and eighth volumes of the textbook have been reviewed and approved by the State Education Commission Primary and Secondary Textbook Approval Committee recently. The review team of experts believe that the textbook is a reform of China’s traditional path of foreign language teaching. It not only absorbs the new ideas of contemporary foreign language teaching, but also takes into account the specific national conditions of our country. From the social needs of our country and teachers and other school conditions, the use of such preparation is feasible. Experts also believe that the new textbook has the following advantages: 1, the ideological and moral education infiltrated into the language teaching; 2 writing guiding ideology clearly, the characteristics are obvious; 3 wide subject, genre diversity, the overall arrangement of new ideas; 4 grammar processing Concise; 5 practice closely points of each lesson, question type diversification. Is a good textbook worth promoting. To this end the editorial department of this article invited the associate editor of the series of teaching materials, Associate Professor Zhang Huifen on the compilation of teaching principles, guidelines and trial brief introduction. Easy to use the teaching materials for the majority of teachers reference.
一 1991年高考俄语试题与1990年相比,更注意对基础知识和基本能力的考查,对调动教与学两个积极性有着重要的指导意义。就其难度而言,1991年的高考俄语试题比1990年有所下降,
在省委、省政府领导的重视、带动下,贵州省超额完成了今年的义务植树任务。完成义务植树2459万株,为任务的123%。 贵州省今年的义务植树工作有以下几个主要特点。 1.抓义务植
一、严格执行教学大纲是搞好专业英语阅读课的前提 1.明确课程性质:专业英语阅读课是基础英语课的继续,同样属于必修课。 2.切实保证学时:两纲均提出专业阅读阶段安排在第5
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本文基于对真实庭审语料的会话分析 ,探讨了刑事法庭庭审调查中一种特殊的疑问表达形式———填表式问句的语法特点及其蕴含的功能意义。这种问句的结构形式是“NP+,K”(名词
贵州省普定县属于大西部的内陆地区 ,特殊的喀斯特地貌与气候条件产生演化形成的大量植物 ,特别是森林植物所构成的各种乔灌群落 ,使该县一度拥有丰富的森林资源与野生动物资