电子设备需要供电?这还用问嘛。然而眼看着芯片、显卡、内存这些小弟们个个在短短几个月内就能“功力”大增,在技术含量和性能方面显著提升;可供电设备却还是那副憨实沉稳的老大哥模样,没有什么大长进,可急坏了那些不仅仅喜欢自由自在地享受无线上网乐趣,还希望不被电源线束缚在插座旁的移动新人类。就在2006年12月中旬于旧金山落下帷幕的国际电子设备研讨会IEDM(International Electron Device Meeting)上,一款可卷曲的、无线的能量传输设备以它独特的创新设计理念技惊四座,引起四方关注。
Do electronic devices need power? However, watching the chips, graphics cards, memory, these little guys all in a few months will be able to “skill” greatly increased in terms of technical content and performance significantly improved; but the power supply equipment is still a foolish and steady Big Brother looks like , There is no big progress, can be acutely bad for those who do not just like to enjoy the fun of wireless Internet access, but also do not want to be tied to the power cord by the outlet of new mobile humans. Just at the International Electron Device Meeting (IEDM), which concluded in December 2006 in San Francisco, a curly, wireless energy-delivery device shook up four with its unique and innovative design concept, attention.