正方:洗肠,可以帮助清洗肠道里陈年残渣,达到排毒养颜,防病保健的作用; 反方:洗肠,基本理论根本是个错误,不只对健康无益,甚至有风险。 我们到底该不该洗肠去?洗肠这种保健方式对身体到底是利大于弊还是弊大于利?倾听争议双方,洗肠迷和专业医师的主张,你自会做出理性的判断。
Square: intestinal cleansing, can help clean the aging intestinal residues, to detoxifies beauty, disease prevention and health effects; anti-side: intestinal wash, the basic theory is simply a mistake, not only for health benefits, and even risk. Should we wash the intestines in the end? The way we wash the bowels is more beneficial to the body than the disadvantages or more harm than good? To listen to the arguments of both parties, the intestines and the professional physicians, you will make rational judgments.