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人体下肢是支撑全身重量进行跑、跳、走的运动器官,很容易疲劳。再加上下肢离心脏较远,得到心脏供给的带氧的血相对减少。所以人们常说:“人老先老腿。”经常进行一些较简单的练腿运动,可以有效地防止腿脚疲劳。拍腿两手手心相对,先从大腿根向脚拍打,再由下往上,各拍打5次:也可一手扶墙,提起一腿用力甩动小腿,甩动时先将脚尖翘起再向下绷。这对促进下肢静脉血液回流,治疗下肢静脉曲张和浮肿有好处。 The lower extremity of the human body is a moving organ that supports running, jumping and walking with full body weight and is very tired. Coupled with the lower extremities away from the heart, the oxygen supplied to the heart is relatively reduced. Therefore, people often say: “people first old leg.” Regular exercise some simple leg movements, can effectively prevent leg and leg fatigue. Clap your hands palms relative to each other, first from the thigh to the foot beat, and then from bottom to top, the beating 5 times: also one hand on the wall, lift one leg hard swinging the lower leg, swinging the tip of the toe tilt down stretch. This is to promote venous blood venous return, the treatment of varicose veins and edema of the lower limbs.
他的事业是以设计艺术的平台创造思想和传播思想。 曾经有人说他狂——90年代初,他撂下国家建设部的“金饭碗”,带领着一群热血青年,南下广州,干起了装修,他说要为中国打造
日光温室栽培厚皮甜瓜,4月中下旬可收头茬瓜,亩产1600—2000公斤,5月中下旬可收二茬瓜,两茬瓜亩收入至少在万元以上,效益非常可观。其栽培技术如下: 一、品种选择 选择耐湿