Anteprima 以大方流畅的款式见称,喜用简约素静之颜色来显示剪裁之功夫,绝不会因要跟潮流而流于哗众取宠,坚持采用典雅款式来演绎潮流信息。 Anne Klein Ⅱ 满足追求手工精细、质料上乘及价钱合理的年青女士,尤其是适合上班族的Young Executive。 Qguis F. 新登陆香港之法国便服名牌,早在日本未曾开卖的时候,日本女士已纷纷专程前去巴黎抢购。有见及此,在日本开店的同时,设计师特意裁制细小的尺码,专门供应当地市场。能
Anteprima known for its generous and smooth style, like to use simple and quiet colors to show the tailoring effort, will not be due to the trend with the grandstanding, insist on the use of elegant style to interpret the trend of information. Anne Klein Ⅱ for the pursuit of fine craftsmanship, quality materials and reasonable price of young ladies, especially for Young Executive workers. Qguis F. The new French fashion brand in Hong Kong, Japan has not been on sale as long ago, Japan has made a special trip to Paris, a special panic buying. In view of this, the shop in Japan at the same time, designers deliberately cut the small size, specifically for the local market. can