发育在干旱-半干旱地区粗碎屑沉积地貌面土壤中的砾石Ca膜含有明显的年龄信息,它的厚度不仅是所在地貌面的一个良好的年代指标,同时它本身还可作为定年物质直接用于ESR法的测年.通过对黑山峡河口黄河阶地上砾石Ca膜厚度的详细测量和Ca膜的ESR测年,获得本区1.57 Ma以来砾石Ca膜厚度的平均累积速率为每万年0.10 mm,建立了Ca膜厚度-发育时间之间的经验计算公式,并据此系统确定了研究区黄河T2~T11阶地的形成年代,其值依次为18,94,139,215,285,360,495,742,1072和1570ka.这些数据的可靠性同时得到已有的14C和OSL年龄(T2,T3和T4)印证,并与地质、地貌对比分析得出的地质时代完全相符.
The gravel Ca film developed in the soil of the coarse clastic sedimentary topography in the arid and semiarid regions contains significant age information and its thickness is not only a good chronological indicator of the geomorphology in which it is located, it can also be used directly as a dating material In the ESR dating. Through the detailed measurement of the Ca film thickness of the gravel in the Yellow River terraces of the Heisha Gorge estuary and the ESR dating of the Ca film, the average accumulation rate of the Ca film thickness of the gravel since the last 1.57 Ma was 0.10 mm per 10,000 years Ca film thickness - development time between the empirical formula, and thus the system to determine the study area of the Yellow River T2 ~ T11 terraces forming the order of 18,94,139,215,285,360,495,742, 1072 and 1570ka. The reliability of these data is also confirmed by the existing 14C and OSL ages (T2, T3 and T4) and is in complete agreement with the geologic age derived from the comparative analysis of geology and geomorphology.