Intermittent dynamical state switching in discrete-mode semiconductor lasers subject to optical feed

来源 :PhotonicsResearch | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beige0801
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Intermittent dynamics switching on the route to chaos in a discrete-mode laser with long time-delayed feedback is experimentally and numerically studied by analyzing the time series, power spectra, and phase portraits. The results show two types of dynamics switching: one or multiple times regular intermittent dynamics switching between stable state and square-wave envelope period-one oscillation within one feedback round time, and the irregular intermittent dynamics switching between stable state and quasi-periodic or multi-states or chaos with higher feedback ratio and bias currents. The relationship between the duty cycle of period-one oscillation and the feedback ratio has been analyzed. The map of the dynamics distribution in the parameter space of feedback ratio and bias current is plotted for a better understanding of dynamics evolution in long external cavity discrete-mode lasers.
Combining the advantages of both the genetic algorithm (GA) and the chase decoding algorithm, a novel improved decoding algorithm of the block turbo code (BTC) with lower computation complexity and more rapid decoding speed is proposed in order to meet th
激光光束具有相干性,可以通过光学系统很好地聚焦。当有足够的能量密度时,在焦点处产生的高电磁场强可以使空气“击穿”,其作用和电火花放电相似。发光的“空气球”的长度为10到15毫米,直径为几个毫米。它是由等离子体构成的,根据它发射的光来测定,其温度为700,000 ℃。由光谱线(软伦琴射线,是由于Ο和Ν复合而产生的)的多普勒位移得出,等离子体球以大约100公里/秒的速度迎着激光光束的方向传播。这一过程呈现出三种现象,其中最重要的是流体动力学现象;从等离子体处向外传播的冲击波在波前处使空气游离;在那里激光被吸收
We demonstrate the possibility of detection and monitoring of bubbles emerging near the tip of an optical fiber by means of ultrasonic method. The excitation of bubbles at their resonant frequencies is performed using short ultrasonic pulses having a wide
研制了一台蓝色高功率单模染料激光器。当多谱线紫外Ar 激光泵浦功率为4W时,在波长为432nm处单模输出达150mW。用这台激光器用磁场法反向照射Ca原子束,结果表明Ca原子被明显减速。
高功率氮化镓基蓝光激光器在激光显示、激光照明和材料加工等领域具有很大的应用前景。通过优化蓝光激光器p-AlGaN限制层的生长温度,抑制了量子阱热退化,通过优化量子阱结构,改善了载流子分布,研制出了高功率蓝光激光器。利用变腔面反射率法获得蓝光激光器的内部光学损耗为6.8 cm -1,载流子注入效率为90%。在脉冲工作条件下,蓝光激光器的阈值电流密度为1 kA/cm 2,斜率效率为1.65 W/A,预计在6 kA/cm 2电流密度下,输出光功率能达到4 W;在连续工作条件下,激光器的阈值电流密度为1 kA/c