贵施商厦是一幢五层楼的现代商厦,在初冬的一个夜晚,遭受了一场火灾。这是一场罕见的商厦大火,其显著特点一是火灾蔓延极快,几乎仅在二小时左右就将三个楼面烧毁。二是燃烧得特别厉害,3层铺面一焚如洗,原先琳琅满目的商品所剩无几,经济损失203万元。 在火调中,火调人员搞清了火势蔓延极快的原委。这家商厦每层面积1250平方米,当初建造时,设计
Guishi Commercial Building is a five-storey modern commercial building, one night in early winter, suffered a fire. This is a rare commercial fire, one of its salient features is the rapid spread of the fire, burned almost three hours in just about two hours. Second, the burning was particularly fierce, 3-storey pavement burning as a wash, the original array of goods left little left, the economic loss of 2.03 million yuan. In the fire, the fire transfer personnel to find out the rapid spread of the whole fire. This floor area of 1250 square meters of commercial buildings, the original construction, design