被《财富》杂志评为20世纪最伟大的经理人杰克·韦尔奇,自1981年起,一直担任 GE 的首席执行官。他将 GE 发展成为全球市值最高的多元化的服务、科技和制造公司。2001年66岁的韦尔奇刚刚有了接班人:通用电气公司董事会任命44岁的杰夫·伊梅尔特为 GE 的候任董事长兼总裁。在任命之前,伊梅尔特是 GE 医疗系统集团的总裁兼首席执行官。该集团在全球医疗诊断和信息系统居领先地位,年销
Rated by Fortune magazine as Jack Welch, the greatest manager of the 20th century, he has been GE's chief executive since 1981. He developed GE into the world's highest-performing, diversified service, technology and manufacturing company. Welch, a 66-year-old in 2001, just had a successor: General Electric's board appointed Jeff Immelt, 44, as GE's chairman and president. Prior to his appointment, Immelt was president and chief executive officer of GE Healthcare Systems. The group has a leading position in the global medical diagnostic and information system, annual sales