【摘 要】
【机 构】
Friday afternoon, I went to the yard with Zhang Jianjun playing badminton. Just as we had a good time, a plump and sturdy pigeon suddenly fluttered its wings and flew off to other people who are basking in the grass ready to make pickles. After Zhang Jianjun was found, he immediately called out: “There’s a pigeon there!” He said as he rushed past, slamming it gently on the grass with a racket. When I was doing Pigeon Dream, it suddenly started to get mad, flapping its wings and trying to escape. Its mouth was still open as if shouting: “It’s lifelong, life-saving!” It’s paws are constantly struggling, the ground turf caught by it mess, and some have been uprooted. Seeing it is about to escape, I am anxious straight 跺
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2012年9月24日 人的一生,没有播种,何来收获;没有辛苦,何来成功;没有磨难,何来辉煌。其实,挫折也是一种美丽,挫折也能使人走向完美,关键看我們能否战胜它,顽强地面对。 人生的酸甜苦辣应当自己尝一尝,坦然地面对,勇敢地尝试。 暑假的一天,我和哥哥一大早就起床去登山了。早晨的空气格外清新,呼吸着清爽的空气令我格外轻松。一路上,我们边走边聊,还观赏着路边美丽的风景。当我们登到半山腰时,我已经
在量点(QD ) 基于搬运人动力学的分析, InAs/GaAs QD 激光的数字模型借助于完全的率方程被开发。模型包括四个精力层次,在他们之中,三个精力铺平加入放射激光。模拟被 MATLAB 根
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