泰戈尔说,我们一次次飞走,是为了一次次回来。几乎人人都跳过槽,许多著名公司的跳槽率达10%。自然是有人欢喜有人愁,少数人越跳越精,多数人越跳越糟。就在跳槽成为必然的时候,一股逆流出现了,某些人跳回了原来的单位。很多时候,挑公司就像挑男朋友,与前男友“拗断”后可能又后悔想复合,离开了旧公司,也有人希望能吃上“回头草”。他们不在乎别人说什么好马不吃回头草,在旁人的注视下仍心安理得,及时回锅也许是理性的选择。有人觉得当初离开是对的, 今天回来也是对的。
Tagore said we flew away again and again to come back time and time again. Almost everyone skips troughs and many well-known companies switch jobs by 10%. Some people naturally feel unhappy people, the more people jump more and more refined, the more the more the more the worse. Just as job-hopping became a necessity, a counter-current emerged and some returned to their original units. In many cases, it is like picking up a boyfriend, picking up a boyfriend, regretting it with a former boyfriend, regretting to regret it, leaving the old company, or hoping to eat it. They do not care what other people say good horse does not eat back grass, in the eyes of others still feel at ease, timely return to pan may be a rational choice. Some people think that it was right to leave, and it is right to come back today.