农民的儿子崔晓泉,1983年从阜新煤校毕业分配到大雁矿务局一矿一采区任技术员,1990年挑起三采区区长的大梁。 短短几年,他所在的三采区在全矿,创出了4个“第一”:安装使用了一矿第一台综掘机和第一台综采机组,采了全矿油水量最大的煤层和全矿最薄的煤层,一举成功。而且,自他任区长以来,未发生一起死亡事故。 膀大腰圆的崔晓泉,险活抢在前。80多米深的煤仓一眼望不到底,崔晓
The farmer’s son, Cui Xiaoquan, graduated from Fuxin Coal University in 1983 and was assigned as a technician in the No. 1 Mining Area of the Dayan Mining Bureau. In 1990, he provoked the gutter of the chief of the three mining areas. In just a few years, his three mining areas in the whole mine, creating four “first”: the installation and use of a mine the first comprehensive excavation machine and the first fully-mechanized mining unit, mining the entire mining oil and water The largest coal seam and the thinnest coal seam in the whole mine are successful. Moreover, since his tenure as head of office, there has been no fatal accident. Cui Xiaoquan, with a big waist and a round waist, grabbed the front. More than 80 meters deep coal bunker is not looking at the end, Cui Xiao