Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography associated pancreatitis:A 15-year review

来源 :World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vicky88337402
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The aim of this article is to review the literature regarding post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP) pancreatitis.We searched for and evaluated all articles describing the diagnosis,epidemiology,pathophysiology,morbidity,mortality and prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis(PEP) in adult patients using the PubMed database.Search terms included endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography,pancreatitis,ampulla of vater,endoscopic sphincterotomy,balloon dilatation,cholangiography,adverse events,standards and utilization.We limited our review of articles to those published between January 1,1994 and August 15,2009 regarding human adults and written in the English language.Publicat ions from the reference sections were reviewed and included if they were salient and fell into the time period of interest.Between the dates queried,seventeen large(> 500 patients) prospective and four large retrospective trials were conducted.PEP occurred in 1-15 in the prospective trials and in 1-4 in the retrospective trials.PEP was also reduced with pancreatic duct stent placement and outcomes were improved with endoscopic sphincterotomy compared to balloon sphincter dilation in the setting of choledocholithiasis.Approximately 34 pharmacologic agents have been evaluated for the prevention of PEP over the last f ifteen years in 63 trials.Although 22 of 63 trials published during our period of review suggested a reduction in PEP,no pharmacologic therapy has been widely accepted in clinical use in decreasing the development of PEP.In conclusion,PEP is a well-recognized complication of ERCP.Medical treatment for prevention has been disappointing.Proper patient selection and pancreatic duct stenting have been shown to reduce the complication rate in randomized clinical trials. The aim of this article is to review the literature regarding post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) pancreatitis. We searched for and evaluated all articles describing the diagnosis, epidemiology, pathophysiology, morbidity, mortality and prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis (PEP) in adult patients using the PubMed database. Search terms included endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, pancreatitis, ampulla of vater, endoscopic sphincterotomy, balloon dilatation, cholangiography, adverse events, standards and utilization. We have our review of articles to those published between January 1, 1994 and August 15, 2009 regarding human adults and written in the English language.Publicat ions from the reference sections were reviewed and included if they were salient and fell into the time period of interest.Between the dates queried, seventeen large (> 500 patients) prospective and four large retrospective trials were conducted. PEP occurred in 1-15 in the prospective trials and i n 1-4 in the retrospective trials. PEP was also reduced with pancreatic duct stent placement and outcomes were improved with endoscopic sphincterotomy compared to balloon sphincter dilation in the setting of choledocholithiasis. Approximately 34 pharmacologic agents have been evaluated for the prevention of PEP over the last f ifteen years in 63 trials. Though 22 of 63 trials published during our period of review suggested a reduction in PEP, no pharmacologic therapy has been accepted in clinical use in decreasing the development of PEP. conclusion, PEP is a well- recognized complication of ERCP. Medical treatment for prevention has been disappointing. Proper patient selection and pancreatic duct stenting have been shown to reduce the complication rate in randomized clinical trials.
摘要:本文从中共探索中国革命和建设道路的过程中,出现了哪些不成熟的理论,这些理论上的不成熟又导致哪些实践上的偏差,以及在后来的探索过程中,又是如何逐步克服这些问题,走向成熟,并领导革命胜利和取得建设的巨大成就,来阐释中共在中国革命和建设道路过程中领导地位逐步确立与巩固的问题。  关键词:克服与纠正;确立与巩固;领导地位  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(201
张謇(1853年5月25日—1926年7月17日),字季直,号啬庵,江苏通州人,清末状元,中国近代实业家、政治家、教育家,主张“实业救国”。  1853年生在海门的张謇16岁考中秀才,直到41岁才中状元,仕途并不顺遂。其间跟过原通州(今南通)知州孙云锦、淮军“庆字营”统领吴长庆。他在支援朝鲜政策上主张对日强硬,受到拥戴光绪皇帝的南派首领潘祖荫、翁同龢赏识,但是在帝、后两党斗争最激烈的时候,张謇却因
喜爱画画的我,从小就坚定了走艺考这条路的决心,盼望着将来能从事美术设计方面的工作。从小学开始,每到暑假我都会去兴趣班学国画和素描,风雨无阻,从不间断。  (一)北京艺考之路  高二的暑假,在爸妈坚定的支持下,我选择了实力更好,但学费也更高的北京的画室。在那个阳光刺眼的季节,我和几个小伙伴踏上了“北漂”的艺考征程。  ◆阵痛之生活篇  在北京的生活是艰苦的,虽然每天都处在兴奋之中,但离家在外、水土不