巴黎大王宫(Grand Palais)这座一百多年前巴黎世博会的主会场,在见证那段法国辉煌历史的同时,为当今的艺术提供了极为重要的展示场地,每年一次的巴黎国际艺术博览会(FIAC),巴黎艺术展(Art-Paris)以及Mounumenta展等等。一年一度的《Monumenta》在2012年5月10日开幕。这是世界上独一无二的展览形式,《Mounumenta》组委会每年都会在世界范围内挑选邀请一位当代艺术家在大王宫内13500平米,45米
Grand Palais, the main venue of the Paris World Expo more than 100 years ago witnessing the magnificent history of France, it provides an extremely important venue for the present art. The annual Paris International Art Fair ( FIAC), Art-Paris and Mounumenta exhibitions and more. The annual “Monumenta” opened on May 10, 2012. This is the world’s only form of exhibition, “Mounumenta” Organizing Committee every year in the world will be invited to invite a contemporary artist in the Royal Palace 13500 square meters, 45 meters