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近年来,关于因特网业务量多重分形性的研究已成为网络通信研究领域的一个热点.目前,在关于这一多重分形性的成因方面已经有了一些研究成果,大部分都认为这是由现代网络分层的体系结构造成的.然而这些结论对现代因特网的负载极重这一事实及其对网络业务量性质的影响没有给予充分的重视.通过对已有成果的研究,结果表明,在网络处于重负载的条件下,业务量多重分形性是由于TCP(transmission control protocol)独特的发送行为和多个TCP连接的汇聚造成的.为了支持这一结论,利用小波分析、模型模拟分析、实际数据计算等手段,从多个方面进行了论证.由于该发现是由现代因特网的实际情况得出的,因而比某些现有的结论更加接近实际,并且对因特网的网络设计和性能估计等方面具有重要的理论指导意义和实际使用价值. In recent years, the research on the multi-fractal of Internet traffic has become a hot topic in the field of network communication research.At present, there are some research results about the cause of this multi-fractal, and most of them think that this is a modern However, these conclusions do not pay enough attention to the fact that the modern Internet is heavily loaded and its impact on the nature of the network traffic.Through the research on the existing achievements, the results show that in the network Under the condition of heavy load, the multifractal traffic fractal is caused by the unique transmission behavior of TCP (transmission control protocol) and the aggregation of multiple TCP connections.In order to support this conclusion, the wavelet analysis, model simulation analysis, real data Computing and other means, from many aspects of the argument.Because the discovery is based on the actual situation of the modern Internet, it is more realistic than some of the existing conclusions, and the Internet has the network design and performance estimation, etc. have Important theoretical guidance and practical value.
肾病综合征 (NS)患者血液流变学紊乱、合并高粘血症和肾小球高凝状态已被证实 ,中药灯盏花素具有活血化瘀、抗凝、扩张微血管及解除血管痉挛之功效。我们常规应用激素治疗NS同时
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通过有机结合零树编码、位平面编码和算术编码,提出了一种基于零树和位平面的小波图像压缩算法ZBP(Zerotree and bit plane).ZBP不仅充分利用了零树符号之间的相关性,而且从位数据的层面上挖掘出了小波系数值之间的相关性,从而提高了算术编码的性能.实验结果表明,ZBP的压缩效果优于目前已有的小波图像压缩算法.
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