1944年7月初的一天,苏联红军西方方面军的司令员罗科索夫斯基大将正在司令部里看电报,忽听外面一阵汽车马达声由远而近。一声刹车,一辆涂着伪装色的“维里斯”吉普车停在门口。车门一开,下来一位身材不高、魁梧壮实的军人,随即响起一阵“嗵嗵嗵”的脚步声,罗科索夫斯基抬头一看,来人竟是格奥尔基·康斯坦丁诺维奇·失可夫元帅。 “呵,元帅同志,大贺光临,欢迎,欢迎!”罗科索夫斯基急忙站起身来,欣喜地迎上前去。待两只大手握到一起,他压低声音,故作神秘地问来人:“什么时候进攻啊?今晚还是明天?”
One day in early July 1944, General Rodgershoffski, Commander of the Western Red Army’s Western Front, was reading the telegram at the headquarters and listening to the sound of a car out on the road. A brake, a camouflage painted “Willis” jeep parked in front of the door. The door opened, down a tall, burly soldiers, then a burst of “嗵 嗵 嗵” footsteps, Luo Kosovsky looked up, came actually Ge Qirketi Constantine Norwich missed Captain Marshal. “Oh, Comrade Marshal, Daoguden, welcome, welcome!” Rokosofsky hurriedly stood up, delightedly approached. When two big hands were to be held together, he lowered his voice and mysteriously asked: “When is the attack? Tonight or tomorrow?”