引子 踏着北国的皑皑白雪,怀着渴盼和憧憬,回到了我魂牵梦绕的故乡。双脚一踏上家乡的土地,我便感到一阵惊喜。我的故乡,坐落在华北平原上一个被漫无边际的青纱帐掩映着的小村,在我离开它时,它还是那样的贫瘠与荒凉。然而没想到,党的十一届三中全会以后,故乡发生了喜人的巨变。家家户户鸡鸭成群、牛羊满圈,不少人家还买了拖拉机、摩托车……我为故乡的变化感到欣喜和自豪。
Inspired by the northern snow-capped, with longing and longing, returned to my hometown of dreamer. As soon as my feet set foot on the land of my hometown, I felt a surprise. My hometown is located in a small village nestled in the endless plains of the North China Plain. When I left it, it was so barren and desolate. However, I did not expect that after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, a gratifying change took place in her hometown. Every family, chickens and ducks flocks, cattle and sheep full circle, many people also bought tractors, motorcycles ... ... I am home for the change feel pleased and proud.