1987年5月29日至6月1日在香港和6月4日在广州召开了医学微生物学走向2000年国际学术讨论会。美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新加坡、印尼、泰国、科威特和中国的代表共150多人参加了会议。会议的主要内容包括由微生物所致疾病快速诊断方法,诊断用生物技术、抗生素和抗病毒物质及疾病的流行病学与控制四个方面。一、AIDS(艾滋病)的传播世界卫生组织于1987年4月报告,全世界102个国家现有746 000AIDS病例,其中美国占35 219例。在美国的发病人数每年增加,死亡率很高。1978~1985年期间,美国共有AIDS病例19 000
May 29, 1987 to June 1, held in Hong Kong on June 4 and held in Guangzhou Medical Microbiology Toward the 2000 International Symposium. Over 150 participants from the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Kuwait and China attended the meeting. The main topics include the rapid diagnosis of diseases caused by microorganisms, diagnostic biotechnology, antibiotics and anti-viral substances and disease epidemiology and control of four aspects. I. AIDS (AIDS) Transmission WHO reported in April 1987 that there are 746 000 AIDS cases in 102 countries worldwide, of which 35 219 are from the United States. The number of cases in the United States is increasing each year, with high mortality rates. Between 1978 and 1985, there were 19 000 AIDS cases in the United States