这几篇日记选自一位二年级小朋友之手,她叫俞淳子,今年8岁。她除极少数不会写的字用拼音代替之外,已能独立用汉字作文,每篇300字左右。写人,能抓住特点;写事,能交代得一清二楚;状物能叙述得有条不紊,且基本做到文从字顺。这在同龄的孩子中,是不多见的。淳子的日记为啥能写得这么好? 先从她所处的环境说起。淳子的爸爸妈妈都是教师,她住宿在学校教工宿舍区,接触的都是文化人。校图书馆里也尽是书。耳濡目染,淳子从4岁起就爱上了书。不过,这时是要大人读给她听。上了幼儿园,学会了拼音,她就开始读纯拼音读物。5岁学汉字,就随着大人读幼儿读物,大人读一遍,她再读一遍,不知不觉识了许多字。6岁上一年级,自己能读书了。她一读起书来,就像入了迷似的:“吃饭时看,走路时看,躺在床上也看”,“有时能一连看上几个小时”。她读书
These diaries were selected from the hands of a sophomore, she called Yu Chunzi, 8 years old this year. Apart from the very few words that can not be written by Pinyin, she has been able to write Chinese characters independently, each of about 300 words. Writer, can seize the characteristics; writing, can explain clearly; can be described in an orderly manner, and the basic text to do from the text. This is rare among children of the same age. Junzi's diary why can write so well? Speaking from her environment. Junko's father and mother are teachers, she lives in the school faculty dormitory area, contact with all cultural people. The school library is also full of books. Inspired, Chun child fell in love with the book since the age of 4. However, this time is to adults to read her. On kindergarten, learned pinyin, she began reading pure pinyin books. 5-year-old learn Chinese characters, as adults read children's books, adults read it again, she read again, unknowingly many words. 6 years old, he can study. When she first read the book, she was like a fanatic: “Look at eating, watching while walking, lying in bed,” “Sometimes I can see a few hours in a row.” She is studying