
来源 :中小学音乐教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xhc042
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古语云:“运用之妙,存乎一心”。生活的艺术尚且如此,作为音乐艺术的表现则更是如此,因为,只有情发于心才能感人。所以,音乐与人的感情有着息息相通的关系,而歌唱艺术又是与人类心灵达成共鸣的最直接的方式。歌唱艺术是用声音来表现人类情感的艺术手法,也就是歌唱者把自己对歌词和音乐的理解,用优美的歌声传达出来,使人们能够清楚、充分地领略歌曲的主题内容和所表达的思想感情。音乐是表现的艺术,是感情表露的艺术。作为一个歌唱者,就必须做到声情并茂、感情真挚,恰当地运用情与声的统一达到艺术表现的真实,才能动听感人、扣人心弦,也只有这样的歌唱才富有生命力,艺术的品格才能得到升华。所以,要完成一首好的声乐作品,应把塑造音乐形象放在首要位置上。首先要准确、清晰地朗读歌词,按歌词的节奏 As the old saying goes: “The use of the wonderful, cares about ”. The art of life is still so, as is the performance of music arts, because only emotions can affect people. Therefore, the relationship between music and people has a close relationship, and singing art is the most direct way to achieve resonance with the human mind. Singing art is an artistic technique that uses sound to express human emotions. That is, the singer conveys his understanding of the lyrics and music, conveys it with beautiful songs, and enables people to clearly and fully understand the theme content and the expressed thoughts of the song. feeling. Music is the art of expression and the art of affection. As a singer, it is necessary to achieve sensibility and sincere feelings. Appropriately applying the unity of emotions and sounds to achieve the trueness of artistic expression can only be aroused and exciting, and it is only such singing that is full of vitality. The character of art can be achieved. sublimation. Therefore, in order to complete a good vocal music work, the shape of the music image should be placed first. To read lyrics accurately and clearly, press the rhythm of the lyrics
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