
来源 :养生大世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wtmw
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宠物自古有之,千年以前流行的斗鸡、斗蟋蟀就是一种宠物现象。时至今日,当宠物市场、花鸟市场、宠物食料公司、宠物诊所、宠物保健院、宠物书刊、宠物网站等与宠物相关的产业充斥城市的角角落落,并让我们无法回避的时候,我们意识到,“宠物经济”给我们带来很多值得深思的问题。宠物的“繁荣”,虽然让我们感到有点始料不及,但却是社会发展的一种必然。而为这种必然提供前提条件的,是物质生活丰富和满足之后出现的精神、情感的空虚与无奈。稍作观察,我们不难发现,热衷宠物者大致是丁克族、单身族、夕阳族、稚童族四类人。他们对动物的宠爱含有某种对其利用的成分,不管对动物多么狂热的“宠”,都不见得是为了动物的幸福,而是为了自己高兴。说白了,人类宠爱动物是通过宠“物”实现宠“我”的目的。那么从人性的角度,从环保的角度,从我国国情的实际出发,“养宠”发展到何种状况,才是最适宜的呢?这是值得人们探讨的问题。 Pets have existed since ancient times, popular cockpit millennium, fighting cricket is a pet phenomenon. Today, when pet-related industries such as pet markets, flower and bird markets, pet food companies, pet clinics, pet care centers, pet books, pet websites, etc. are flooded with the city’s corner and we are unavoidable, our awareness To, “pet economy” has brought us many worth pondering questions. Pet’s “prosperity”, although it makes us feel a little unexpected, but it is a necessity of social development. But for this kind of precondition that must be provided, it is the spirit and the feeling of emptiness and helplessness after the material life is enriched and satisfied. A little observation, we can easily find that keen pet people are generally Dingke, single family, sunset family, juvenile family of four people. Their love of animals contains some kind of use of its ingredients, no matter how frenzied animal “pet”, are not necessarily for the animal’s happiness, but to their own pleasure. To put it plainly, human beings pet animals is to achieve the purpose of pet “me” through the pet “thing”. From the perspective of human nature, from the perspective of environmental protection and from the reality of our national conditions, what is the most suitable condition for the development of “keeping pets?” This is a question worthy of discussion.
摘 要: 在基础教育课程改革具体目标中,要求课程评价改变过于强调甄别与选拔的功能,发挥评价促进学生发展、教师提高和改进教学实践的功能。这个规定明确了课程评价改革的主导方向,同时说明传统评价方式已经落后于社会发展,无法满足学生和教师发展的要求。在这种背景下,真实性评价走进我们的视野,为促进学生在评估中获得更好的发展提供方向。  关键词: 真实性 纸笔测验 建构主义  一、真实性评价兴起的背景  真实
“压力大”是我们周围很多人的同感,也是最突出的“现代病”之一,而工作压力又是其中非常主要的一部分。工作压力并不仅仅是都市白领的专利,科研人员、教师、医务工作者、企事业单位领导骨干、经商人员……都面临着工作压力的困扰。  当遇到无法排解的工作压力时,人们往往只想到向专家讨教消除压力症状的“灵丹妙药”,以为一招灵验就可以包治百病。殊不知,世间万事皆有源,只有找到问题的来源,从根本上消除它,才能更加彻底