Liberalism in the past meant placing the market above the people, and Adam Smith said 200 years ago that liberalism meant that nations and peoples are pursuing their own interests and freedoms in the markets. Samir Amin, in his new book, The Liberal Virus: The Permanent War and the Americanization of the World (Monthly Review Press, 2004 edition), argues this classic liberalism in George W. The Bush era has become a dangerous disease, starting from an imagined market theory that has the global consequences of this liberal virus. Imaginative market theory provides an idealized picture of the capitalist economy, thus suppressing popular opposition to racism, sexism and militarism. Instead, “natural” joblessness and “preemptive” wars. Amin pointed out that we should recognize the difference between imagined markets and realistic capitalism. He cited an example of the Pentagon’s war on Iraq, which was essentially a plunder of energy by the company of Halliburton, a barbaric trend that made the company profitable.