1983年,幽门弯曲菌的发现为胃炎和消化性溃疡的发病概念带来了一个新的研究方向。现在,英国格娄斯特郡皇家医院和曼彻斯特公共卫生实验室的McNu-lty及其同事又描述了一种异于幽门弯曲菌的胃螺旋状菌。这种迄今未被分类的细菌二年前由上述作者率先在本刊上报道。作者们荐用人胃螺旋菌(Gastrospiri-llum hominis,下文简为GH)一名,是否将博得分类学家的赞许尚需拭目以待。但鉴于世界各地均有关于该菌的研究报告,很有必要予以命名。GH的检出率远低于幽门弯曲菌,格娄斯特1650例患者中仅发现6例(0.4%)被感染。这6例感染伴有
In 1983, the discovery of Campylobacter pylori brought a new direction for the concept of the pathogenesis of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Now McNu-lty and colleagues at the Royal Hospital, Gloucestershire and the Manchester Public Health Laboratory describe a strain of Helicobacter pylori that is different from Campylobacter pylori. The hitherto unclassified bacteria was first reported in the journal by the author two years ago. The authors recommend using Gastrospiri-llum hominis, which remains to be seen whether it will win praise from taxonomists. However, given the reports of research on the bacteria in various parts of the world, it is necessary to name them. The detection rate of GH was much lower than that of Campylobacter pylori, and only 6 (0.4%) of 1650 patients in Gloster were found infected. These 6 cases were associated with infection