Experimental Investigation on Ignition and Lean Blow-out Performance of a Multi-sector Centrally Sta

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayun33
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Improvement on extinction and pollution emission have become one of the most prominent research topics in gas turbine.It is widely recognized that the fuel/air mixture distribution in the recirculation zone is a critical factor in improving lean blow-out(LBO) and ignition.This paper proposed a new low emission scheme with fuel staged centrally and hybrid injector to improve flameout and emission.A relative small amount of fuel enters into central pilot airblast atomizer burner and then atomized by inner swirl air.The remaining majority of fuel is directly injected into vane channels of the primary swirler through a series of holes located on the sidewall of the main stage.Only pilot stage is fueled under ignition and lean flameout condition.The uniformity of fuel/air mixture distribution in the primary zone of the new design decreases NOX emission,meanwhile the fuel air mixture in pilot recirculation zone is locally rich to improve flameout and ignition.Experimental investigation was conducted to compare the new scheme with baseline design of dual-swirler in terms of LBO and ignition characteristics under the same condition in a multi-sector combustor.It is found that the fuel-air ratio of ignition limit and LBO decrease with the reference velocity increasing.The experimental results also show that the new scheme successfully improve lean blow-out and broaden the operation range of the combustor.The experimental results indicated that the centrally staged scheme can widen the operation boundary of the combustor and can provide guidance for design and optimization of combustion chamber. Improvement on extinction and pollution emission have become one of the most prominent research topics in gas turbine. It is widely recognized that the fuel / air mixture distribution in the recirculation zone is a critical factor in improving lean blow-out (LBO) and ignition. This paper proposed a new low emission scheme with fuel staged centrally and hybrid injector to improve flameout and emission. A relative small amount of fuel enters central pilot airblast atomizer burner and then atomized by inner swirl air. The remaining majority of fuel is directly injected into vane channels of the primary swirler through a series of holes located on the sidewall of the main stage. Annly pilot stage is fueled under ignition and lean flameout condition. NOX emission, meanwhile the fuel air mixture in pilot recirculation zone is locally rich to improve flameout and ignition. Experimental cycle was c onducted to compare the new scheme with baseline design of dual-swirler in terms of LBO and ignition characteristics under the same condition in a multi-sector combustor. It is found that the fuel-air ratio of ignition limit and LBO decrease with the reference velocity increasing. The experimental results also show that the new scheme successfully improve lean blow-out and broaden the operation range of the combustor. The experimental results indicated that the centrally staged scheme can widen the operation boundary of the combustor and can provide guidance for design and optimization of combustion chamber.
摘 要:把握运用好监督执纪“四种形态”,以严明的纪律推进落实全面从严治党,是高校落实党的十九大精神,推进“五位一体”总体布局和“四个全面”战略布局的具体举措。从正确认识和把握“四种形态”的科学内涵、高校实践“四种形态”面临问题和解决途径三个方面进行论述,提出了高校实践“四种形态”的意见建议。  关键词:四种形态;高校;全面从严治党  党的十九大报告要求,“坚持开展批评和自我批评,坚持惩前毖后、治病
一  据新修《凤翔县志》记载,明清时期,“以商致富的县籍商户主要有县城的周家、邓家,王堡村的张三仲家,刘淡村的马长泰家”。“花布庄有20余家。西安、兴平、渭北各县和河南洛阳、漯河的土白布,多运集凤翔落庄,经染色加工后,过载行店利用骆驼回脚,转销甘肃、宁夏、青海等省。规模大的永兴荣花布庄,有时一笔生意可达20万两白银。其他如王堡村张三仲家的义成福,郑家堡郑恒家的永顺郑,岐山郭家的德顺生等布店都小有名