After the completion of the real estate development project, the stage before the first owners’ meeting is held and the real estate service enterprises are selected and employed, the difficult problems of paying the main part of the property expenses will arise. China’s “Property Management Ordinance” did not make full and comprehensive provisions. The principle of contract relativity and autonomy of civil law should be used to determine the subject of the payment of property fees. For not yet sold or has been sold but the owner has not yet checked in the housing costs, agreed by agreement, agreed by the real estate developers to pay. For the sale and check-in but the first owners conference has not yet held a property service fee, in principle, is still paid by the real estate developers, even if the contract stipulates that the owners have to check-in procedures to bear the previous property costs, and the agreement Take effect ineligible, but must be listed in the real estate developer and the owner of the contract for the sale of the house, and the owner signed the consent in order to have legal binding.