这是本刊与创思工作室合作开通“新视角”栏目以来的第三次网上调查。本期调查主题:纳米技术认知度。 参加人数589人,其中有533份有效问卷。EMAG4U依然保留了那些只有一条问题漏答的问卷,因为这并不能否认整份问卷的有效性。问卷的设计目的是为了从多角度、多层次了解广大网民对纳米技术的认知度。
This is the third online survey conducted by our magazine and Innos Studios in the “New Perspective” section. Current survey topics: nanotechnology awareness. Number of participants 589, of which 533 valid questionnaires. EMAG4U still retains those questionnaires with only one question missing, because it does not deny the validity of the entire questionnaire. The questionnaire is designed to understand the vast number of Internet users from a multi-angle, multi-level awareness of nanotechnology.