[1月]盆兰摆放在阳光充足的阳台或窗台,用纱帘遮光,室温保持在13℃~15℃,空气湿度60%~70%。雨雪天给予人工补光,让兰株生长更健壮。[2月]室内温度保持在1 5℃左右,以促进花朵形成,要防止阳光过强,导致叶片变红。每周浇水1次,保持基质湿润,浇水过多或过少,叶片都会起皱。[3月]兰株长大至无法继续生长,或基质变硬无法使用时,可以进行换盆,盆土可用松树皮、珍珠岩、泥炭、蛭石等混合配制。换盆同时也可进行分株繁殖,
[January] Potted plants are placed on sunny balconies or windowsills, shaded with gauze curtains. The temperature is maintained at 13 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ and air humidity 60% -70%. Rain and snow given artificial fill light, so that Lan grow more robust. [February] The indoor temperature is maintained at around 15 ° C to promote flower formation, preventing the sun from becoming too strong and causing the leaves to turn red. Watering once a week, to keep the matrix moist, watering too much or too little, the leaves will wrinkle. [March] When the blue plant grows to such an extent that it can not grow or the substrate becomes hardened and can not be used, it is possible to change basins, which can be mixed with pine bark, perlite, peat, vermiculite and so on. Change basins can also be ramets breeding,