来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anxbbs
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Silicone rubber (SIR) shows superior performance when used outdoors, but its surface can be transformed frominherently hydrophobic to hydrophilic by the adsorption of contaminants. Al(OH)_3, Al_2O_3, quartz powder and active carbonwere selected as authentic contaminants. Hydrophobicity of the surface was determined using contact angle measurement.The results indicate that the adsorbability of the contaminants can strongly affect the hydrophobicity of contaminated SIRsurface. The increasing rate of contact angle of specimens contaminated by Al(OH)_3 was much faster than that by Al_2O_3 andquartz due to the adsorption of migrated low molecular weight (LMW) polydimethylsiloxanes. Specimens contaminated byactive carbon could achieve sunde hydrophobicity within 15 min because active carbon has high adsorbability. Surfaces ofcontaminated ultrapure SIR, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and glass remain hydrophilic because they contain no mobileLMW components. The addition of oligomeric polydimethylsiloxanes has little effect on the hydrophobicity of contaminantscovered on SIR surface. Silicone rubber (SIR) shows superior performance when used outdoors, but its surface can be transformed from inherently hydrophobic to hydrophilic by the adsorption of contaminants. Al (OH) _3, Al_2O_3, quartz powder and active carbonwere selected as authentic contaminants. Hydrophobicity of the surface was determined using contact angle measurement. The results rate that the adsorbability of the contaminants can strongly affect the hydrophobicity of contaminated SIRsurface. The increasing rate of contact angle of mortar contaminated by Al (OH) _3 was much faster than that by Al_2O_3 andquartz due to the adsorption of migrated low molecular weight (LMW) polydimethylsiloxanes. Specimens contaminated byactive carbon could achieve sunde hydrophobicity within 15 min because of the active carbon has high adsorbability. Surfaces of activated ultrapure SIR, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and glass remain hydrophilic as they contain no mobileLMW components. The addition of oligomeric polydime thylsiloxanes has little effect on the hydrophobicity of contaminantscovered on SIR surface.
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本文采用慢拉伸与正电子多普勒展宽方法相结合,研究应变速率对正电子S参数与形变量ε变化规律(S-ε曲线)的影响,获得如下结果: 1)高纯铁慢拉伸条件下,其S-ε曲线出现不饱和现
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Objective To detect the content of luteolin in CAULIS LONICERAE JAPONICAE.Methods HPLC was adopted.Chromatographic column was Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18 (4.6 mm × 2
本刊从第九期开始,增设了“西部开发”栏目,并特邀陕西省省长程安东同志开篇,在社会上引起了强烈反响。 在这一期,我们继续特邀陕西省五位地、市委书记,以笔谈的方式,从不同