《元亨疗马集》为我国明代杰出的兽医学家喻仁(字本元) 和喻杰(字本亨)兄弟所合著.南都为官三十年的名宦丁宾(字礼源) 于万历戊申年(公元1608年)四月初一为之作序付梓.它是一部流传最广,历来最受尊崇的兽医学宝典.然而喻氏伯仲却名不见于史传,其生平活动,唯有于丁序中探索之. 近来读了苏根元同志在《安徽农业科学》1983年第2期上发表的《丁宾初识喻氏昆仲地时探》一文(以下简称“苏文”),论点鲜明,颇受裨益.现就研读体会略抒所见,以供商榷.
“Yuanheng healing horse set” for the Ming Dynasty outstanding veterinary experts Yu Ren (word yuan) and Yu Jie (Zi Benheng) brothers co-authored. It was the most widely circulated and the most respected veterinary medicine collection in the calendar of the first lunar month of the year of Wanli (1608 AD), but its name was not found in historical biography, Only in the sequence of Ding exploration .Released recently read Comrade Sugen Yuan in the “Anhui Agricultural Sciences” in 1983 the second issue of “Ding Binchu Yu Qunzhong Zhongdian explore” article (hereinafter referred to as “Su Wen”) , The argument is clear, quite benefit.Now read the experience of a little expression, to be open to question.