Submucous myoma on uterine approach: traditionally used abdominal total removal of the uterus. Now in our hospital transvaginal screw removal of the superficial experience is as follows. Cases of 1,49 years old, due to the past six months menstrual cycle disorders, menstrual prolongation, overweight, emergency admission, the patient history of menstruation 16-year-old menarche, period 30d, menstrual duration 4 ~ 5d, but the amount. 20-year-old married, 5 pregnant 5 are full term delivery, the last 1968 production. Physical examination: normal development, moderate nutrition, severe anemia appearance, chest and abdomen no abnormalities. Gynecological examination: normal vulva development, the production type, the vagina touches a size of about chicken eggs from the cervix prolapse submucosal fibroids,