今天中国光学学会等六个学会在这里召开激光器问世和中国激光创业四十周年纪念大会。我想首先利用这个机会代表中国科协向四十年来为发展我国激光事业作出了卓著贡献的科学家和技术人员表示最崇高的敬意 !我是学物理的 ,激光和物理有着不解之缘。虽然他们准备了一个稿子 ,但这
Today, six societies such as the China Optical Society hold a conference to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the PRC and the 40th anniversary of the founding of the PRC’s laser industry. I would like to take the opportunity to represent China Association for Science and Technology (CASTA) first of all to express my highest respect to the scientists and technicians who have made outstanding contributions to the development of China’s laser industry in the past 40 years. I learned physics and I had a mutual understanding between laser and physics. Although they prepared a manuscript, but this