Diseases are mostly caused by some kind of dysfunction, the main reason is in the nervous system, which we call neurological diseases. But even neurological diseases have all the causes of the body’s function in the background, including abnormalities and exogenous infections such as blood circulation, metabolism, nutrition, endocrine, and so on, and not just diseases of the nervous system. Clinicians, if not familiar with them, find it difficult to diagnose correctly and often require expert assistance from other areas. Lighter diabetes is neglected, it will not understand the causes of neurological disorders and the patient’s irritability boils down to hyperthyroidism. Therefore, mental symptoms must also be taken seriously. We have a lot of ways to find out the nervous system diseases, but first of all we should conduct a detailed clinical observation. A skilled clinician can make a rough diagnosis based on the patient’s facial expressions, gait, and sitting posture. It is also important to take the medical records before the exam to understand the family