1996年7月17~19日云南省召开了墙改工作会议,总结了过去几年墙改工作的成绩和经验,布置了下一步墙改工作。 云南省近几年新型墙体材料的生产和应用已经起步,从1992年不到2%,提高到1995年3%,总量达3亿块标准砖。其中昆明市1994~1995年应用新型建筑材料的竣工面积达20多万m~2,超过前5年的总和。 云南今后几年墙改工作的发展方针和目标是:以中央和有关部委文件为先导,以建筑应用为龙头,围绕节能、节土、利废、抗震、改善建筑
From July 17 to 19, 1996, Yunnan Province held a work conference on wall reform, summarizing the achievements and experience of the wall reform work in the past few years, and laying out the next wall reform work. The production and application of new wall materials in Yunnan Province in recent years has started, from less than 2% in 1992 to 3% in 1995, with a total of 300 million standard bricks. Among them, Kunming City completed construction of new building materials from 1994 to 1995 with an area of more than 200,000 m2, exceeding the sum of the previous five years. The development policy and objectives of the wall reform work in Yunnan in the next few years are: taking the documents of the central government and relevant ministries and commissions as the guide, and building applications as the leading force, focusing on energy conservation, land conservation, waste disposal, earthquake resistance, and improvement of buildings.