Indigenous Knowledge on Soil Classification of Ethnic Groups in Luang Prabang Province of the Lao PD

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zw244942568
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The objectives of this study were to demonstrate ethno-scientific elicitation techniques in retrieving indigenous knowledge at village-level, and to document the indigenous soil classification systems of different ethnic groups in Luang Prabang province in the Lao PDR. The study area comprised three villages – Nambo, Huaymaha and Thapo, in the Phonxay district of Luang Prabang province. Three ethnic groups were covered by the study – Hmong, Khmu and Lao Loum. All three ethnic groups used soil color as main criteria for soil classification. However, even within the same ethnic group, sometimes different villages have differences in the way they classify soils; this was apparent for the Hmong ethnic group in the villages of Huaymaha and Nambo. A significant difference of the Lao Loum ethnic group from the other two, was the emphasis used in classifying soil types according to their water holding capabilities. In contrast, the Khmu and Hmong classified many soil types in relation to their rock content (‘with rock’ or ‘pure rock’ sometimesbeing used). The results of the study suggest that the ethnic groups classify the soils in relation to their potential for different types of agricultural production. The objectives of this study were to demonst ethno-scientific elicitation techniques in retrieving indigenous knowledge at village-level, and to document the indigenous soil classification systems of different ethnic groups in Luang Prabang province in the Lao PDR. The study area comprised three villages - Nambo, Huaymaha and Thapo, in the Phonxay district of Luang Prabang province. Three ethnic groups were covered by the study - Hmong, Khmu and Lao Loum. All three ethnic groups used soil color as main criteria for soil classification. However, even within the same ethnic group, sometimes different villages have differences in the way they classify soils; this was apparent for the Hmong ethnic group in the villages of Huaymaha and Nambo. A significant difference of the Lao Loum ethnic group from the other two, was the emphasized used in classifying soil types according to their water holding capabilities. In contrast, the Khmu and Hmong classified many soil types in relation to t The results of the study suggest that the ethnic groups classify the soils in relation to their potential for different types of agricultural production.
儿时的玩具中,有一个三寸多长的白瓷娃娃,虽烧制粗糙,却是我的最爱,因这娃娃承载了我许多神秘的向往。  瓷娃娃是母亲从姥姥家带来的。一  母亲的娘家在妙峰山脚下的下苇店村。我想,苇店定是“苇甸”。永定河边茂密的苇丛中,母亲的村子像是停泊在岸边的一只古老渡船。村子与村里的故事大都与近旁的一座山有关,这座山名曰妙峰,山上有座娘娘庙,母亲说,娘娘是她们心中的神。还说,山顶上,总有一道紫色的光,那是娘娘的圣
陀思妥耶夫斯基的作品关注人生的苦难、罪恶和自由等话题,他对这个卑鄙龌龊、荒淫无度、毫无廉耻的社会并没有绝望, “宗教救世论”就是他抛出的一剂良方.基督救世论在一定程
那么轻佻的花,成为四月的风景  很多人都被这表象迷醉  忘记了风如何推开春寒的窗  一夜之间就掩埋了虚无缥缈  唯有村庄里的雪真实可信  严严实实密不透风  不觉察中就把生命颠覆  这个中秋注定是圆的  这个中秋注定是圆的  很柔软,似乎挂不住思念  很多往事含进嘴里咽不下去  就连鸟影也是成双成对  一丝云朵拉长故乡的距离  广寒宫中依旧是孤独和冷清  时间回到千篇一律的故事  這是八月,一阵秋
1  我疑心我的女儿虫的眼睛里新长出了一层阴翳。因为我发现她看人和物,远不像过去那样清澈、活泛,而是充满了成年人的忧心忡忡。她总是不由自主地皱起眉头,好像在很费力地等着前方的影像一点点地变得清晰。我担心她是患上了近视。可她的回答是否定的。她说她们前不久还举行了体检,她的视力是1.5。  我的女儿进入九月之后就开始发生了许多变化。她不再读小说,不再像过去,动不动就在饭桌上摆出一副与我讨论马尔克斯、博
(山西大同大学音乐学院,山西 大同 037009)  【摘要】在长期的传承与发展过程中,我国的民间音乐多是依靠着师徒、父子、长幼及族里之间口耳相传的传统模式,这种固有的传承方式虽能把民间音乐演唱时的神韵与精髓直接地展示并教授给后人,便于学习与模仿,但也有很大的限制性,比如学习规模受限、影响力颇小、曲调的传承与发展容易受到外来因素的影响等。再加上传承环境的改变、传承人的不确定性等因素,在当今社会飞速