
来源 :临床肿瘤学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdzj999
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在临床工作中我们曾遇见腰背溃疡首发症状的升结疡癌2例,现报告如下: 例1.患者男性,52岁。1993-12-05因右侧腰背部红肿、疼痛,在当地医院就诊,按“疖肿”治疗1月未愈,并出现溃烂,后经活检病理检查结果为“转移性腺癌”。随后行腹部CT检查,提示为“右中腹肿块侵及后腹壁”;纤维肠镜检查诊断为升结肠癌。于1994-03-24入院。体检:贫血貌,腹部未触及肿块,右侧腰背部可触及约一个8cm×10cm肿块,质硬、固定、境界限模糊,其中央溃烂面约4cm×5cm,其余脏器经CT及B超检查均无转移灶。予介入化疗(5-Pu 1g,DDP80mg,MMC10mg)1次,放疗50Gy后,于1994-06-09行姑息性右半结肠切除术。病理报告:升结肠低分化腺癌,癌灶直径0.8cm,侵出浆膜外,Duke D。切口愈合后出院,于1994-10-16日死于全身衰竭。 例2.患者男,38岁。1998-11-08因右侧腰背部红肿、疼痛,行抗感染治疗无效,1周后其出现溃烂,外院活检 In clinical work we have met the first symptom of back ulcer in lumbar ulcer cancer in 2 cases, are reported as follows: Example 1. The patient male, 52 years old. 1993-12-05 due to the right side of the lower back of the Ministry of redness, pain, treatment at a local hospital, according to “swollen” treatment January healed, and ulceration, post-biopsy and pathological examination results for “metastatic adenocarcinoma.” Followed by abdominal CT examination, suggesting that “the right abdomen mass invasion and posterior abdominal wall”; fiber colonoscopy diagnosed ascending colon cancer. In 1994-03-24 admitted to hospital. Physical examination: anemia appearance, the abdomen not touched the mass, the right lower back can reach about a 8cm × 10cm mass, hard, fixed, boundary blurred, the central fester surface about 4cm × 5cm, the remaining organs by CT and B-ultrasound No metastases. Interventional chemotherapy (5-Pu 1g, DDP80mg, MMC10mg) 1, radiotherapy 50Gy, in 1994-06-09 line of palliative right colon resection. Pathological report: Ascending colon poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, tumor diameter 0.8cm, invasion of the serosa, Duke D. The incision was healed and discharged. She died of systemic failure from October 1994 to October 16. Example 2 patient male, 38 years old. 1998-11-08 due to the right lower back of the Ministry of redness, pain, line anti-infective treatment ineffective, after 1 week of its fester, outside the hospital biopsy
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1991年是当代著名科学哲学家鲁道夫·卡尔纳普(Rudolf Carnap,1891—1970)、汉斯·赖欣巴赫(Hans Reichenbach,1891—1953)和埃德加·济塞(Edgar Zilsel,1891—1944)的百年
对于詹姆斯超人的表现,对手们只能用“动物凶猛”聊以自慰,然而对那些并不具备顶尖身体素质的球员而言,像野兽一样打球是他们的生存法则,我们称之为半兽人。  肯尼斯-法里德  Kenneth Faried  法里德来自于莫海德州大,听上去这很像一所山寨学校,在此之前仅仅为NBA输送了5名球员。法里德的横空出世大幅提升了母校的知名度,大学四年他总计抢下1673个篮板,刷新了邓肯此前保持的纪录。  在掘金,
Abeggar was coming down the avenue just as Mr.Parsons emerged from his hotel.He was a blind beggar, carrying the traditional Abeggar was coming down the avenue
中学素质教育要落实到各科教学中,英语科教学有自身的特点和素质教育目标,课堂教学是实现素质教育目标的主要途径。 Secondary school quality education to be implemented
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