寄生于胃粘膜的革兰氏阴性螺旋形杆菌的发现已有100多年,1982年后国内外学者对该菌的临床重要性和检查方法都受到重视,并暂定名为幽门弯曲杆菌(Campylobacter pyloridis,CP),多数学者认为该菌参与漫性活动性胃部消化性疾病的致病过程,尤以慢性浅表性胃炎、慢性萎缩性胃炎和溃疡病高发,但它与胃癌及肠化生无直接关系。现将我们研究结果介绍如下: 材料和方法本组213例患者,男136例,女77例,男女之比为1.77:1,年龄20~75岁范围内。平均年龄为
More than 100 years have passed since the discovery of Gram-negative spirochetes parasitic on gastric mucosa. After 1982, the clinical importance and examination methods of the bacteria in this field both in China and abroad have been taken seriously. The tentative name is Campylobacter pyloridis , CP), most scholars believe that the bacteria involved in the pathogenesis of diffuse active gastric digestive diseases, especially chronic superficial gastritis, chronic atrophic gastritis and high incidence of ulcer disease, but it with gastric cancer and intestinal metaplasia Direct relationship. Now we study the results are described below: Materials and Methods The group of 213 patients, 136 males and 77 females, male to female ratio of 1.77: 1, aged 20 to 75 years old. The average age is