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  疫情下 艺术不会缺席
  On July 11, an art exhibition themed “Here, There, and Anywhere” opened at No.190 Guanjialin, Huangjueping, Chongqing. This is the first individual exhibition of foreign artists in the Jiulongpo art area this year.
  Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the protagonist of this exhibition, Japanese artist Kenzo Onoda, was unable to come in person, but this did not dampen the enthusiasm of visitors at all as artists, students, and residents in the neighborhood of Chongqing flocked in, registering nearly 100 in number and exceeding the expectation.
  Art is not absent during pandemic
  On the opening night of the exhibition, Kenzo Onoda watched the Internet streaming in Japan. Thrilled by the exhibition and surprised by the large crowd, he regretted that he couldn’t come in person and talk to the audience.
  "The overseas cooperation of global art institutions is currently on hold, and the originally rich exhibition plans have also been frustrated to varying degrees." Zeng Tu, Art Director of Dimensions Art Center said that affected by the epidemic, art fairs and major exhibitions originally planned in various countries are tabled. Museums of many countries are still closed, and cross-border art cooperation encounters headwinds.   Zeng Tu added that the impact of the epidemic on the art industry will continue for a while, but as an international language and the easiest language to communicate, art is also a language requiring zero translation. “Art is a bridge to deepen understanding and eliminate misunderstandings”. International art exchanges and cooperation, therefore, expects a restart.
  Curator Hu Yanzi said that the city of Chongqing itself has quite distinctive characteristics. Epitomizing the entire Chinese society with surrealistic landscape and integrated urban and rural areas, it is an excellent field for artists to carry out in-situ practice. "When the epidemic blocks communication, perhaps it is time for us to devote more time to our daily life scene."
  Caring for reality and soul with arts
  Amid the epidemic, many artists around the world attempt to express their concerns in art forms. Kenzo Onoda has not stopped his creation.
  Kenzo Onoda, born in 1961, is a witness of Japan's modernization process. As a physics engineer, Onoda extended his network work to artistic creation and then became a professional artist for the past three decades. He has been trying to combine technology with art and continues to explore contemporary art. His works were collected by galleries and exhibitions such as Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen and Echigo Tsumari Art Festival Triennale, etc.
  In the works of Butterfly, Zebra, Moonlight and Fairy Tale, the "chair" representing "stability" and the multicolored "glass marble" at its bottom form a delicate equilibrium in the exhibition hall. The appearance of glass marble changes the equilibrium of the original objects, so that the mechanical magnetic field of the exhibition hall is in a subtle mutual restriction. When attending the exhibition, the balance is repeatedly destroyed and restored by the intervention of external forces just like the world under the impact of COVID-19 epidemic. A new equilibrium will be struck after the impact.
  Kenzo Onoda's series of works bring realities, visible or abysmal, to the surface,  reaches out to the bottom of people’s hearts and evokes more resonance from the audience.
  How can the exhibition be realized if the artist is absent?
  Hu Yanzi introduced, "In early June, many art institutions in China gradually re-opened to the outside world. Kenzo Onoda and I communicated and adjusted the exhibition plan. Since this exhibition is a response to global reality, we should respect the objective reality of the social environment in which the exhibition is located. Although the epidemic is still rampant in many places abroad, it’s well controlled in China, and the public needs quality cultural and artistic activities to enrich their cultural life. "Hu explained that although the artist could not come to the exhibition in person, he arrived at the site via his works, and attained spiritual "freedom" through "art". Of course, the absence of the artist and the presence of the audience constitute a re-creation of the "relationship" between time and space. This is the most intriguing part of the exhibition.
位于江北区江北嘴桂花街41号的德肋撒堂,原名博济堂,修建于1855年。曾历经数次重修,是重庆首座按原样整体搬迁的教堂。1988年12月,被认定为区级文物保护单位。  博济堂原址位于江北城米亭子13号,为李方济神父所购的民房。1927年,法国籍重庆教区主教尚维善号召教友捐资改建,1928年落成,改名德肋撒堂。  这是一座因还愿而斥资重新设计和改建的教堂,与著名的重庆“三三一”惨案有关。现德肋撒堂管理
8月27日—30日,古巴驻华大使卡洛斯·佩雷拉和夫人一行来重庆参观访问,出席在重庆外事大楼举行的中国(重庆)—古巴对接会。28日,市委书记陈敏尔会见卡洛斯·佩雷拉大使。  中国(重庆)—古巴对接会由重庆市政府外办主办,市政府外办主任章勇武、市商务委副主任宋刚,以及市教委、市文化和旅游委、市贸促会、市进出口商会和相关区县外办、企业负责人参加。市政府外办副主任唐文主持会议。  古巴是第一个与中国建交的
刘晓庆不知道自己什么时候在戏里,什么时候在戏外。      官司债——    王建中:是我敲响了刘晓庆的丧钟    王建中,无疑是这次被刘晓庆自认为“最大的危机”中的一个关键词。痛定思痛,刘晓庆甚至发出这样的悔语:“宁愿得罪君子,也不要得罪小人。”  王建中“很忙”,但听说记者找他谈刘晓庆,他便爽快地答应了。“你看了今天的‘新浪’了吗?”他先问记者。接下来他的语调逐渐提高:“是我把她送上了法庭,是
外国学生照样“应试”,读书用功是素质的来源。    俄罗斯:上大学容易进名校难    俄罗斯是一个教育程度比较高的国家,三分之二的高中毕业生都有机会进入大学接受高等教育。但是,说到具体某一所学校,考取难度就不可同日而语了,相差悬殊之大,有的甚至难以想像。不用说分布全国各地的各个大学之间,就是一所大学的各个专业之间,同样存在很大差别。  可以这样说,在俄罗斯上大学并不难,但要考上名牌大学的热门专业绝
她为什么策划别人对她的“强奸”?    难道是她强奸了他?    本案报案人是当事人张娅玫自己。她现年32岁,未婚,汉族,大专学历,是北京市某中专学校的英语教师。  警方到来的时候,她似乎还没有从刚刚经历的突发事件中清醒过来,双眼失神,手足无措,她的嘴唇被咬破了,鲜血刚刚止住,说话也是前言不搭后语的。  张娅玫上身穿的一件家居的低胸吊带睡裙右胸处有明显的褶皱痕迹,睡裤的两个膝盖处满是地面上的土迹,
现在,爱玩弄财务工具和金融创新的美国大企业因让人“看不懂”而纷纷被投资者抛弃;日本的传统大企业已有近10年时间在信息浪潮的冲击中找不到北;韩国的大企业——或许从来就不是真正的大企业——早已被金融风暴证明是政商合一体制下变种的国家形象工程。  那么,我们该向谁学习?  试试德国式的成功吧。  德国?德国有什么知名企业呢?“500强”里面有多少德国企业?这或许是许多人的自然反应。虽然德国是欧洲经济的火
由于家境贫寒,仅读过半年书的陈金芳背上行囊远赴海南去追寻梦想。几年后,她怀惴着万多元血汗钱回到阔别已久的家乡,给父母盖了一栋两层高的住房。今天,陈金芳冲破世俗的束缚,背上书包又重返校园。    没文化,尝尽万千苦恼    家住湖北省丹江口市魏家老屋村的陈金芳在家排行老三,由于旧时重男轻女思想的作怪,她的父母在生下3个姑娘后,仍然不甘心,继而为家里又添了一个儿子。儿子能够继香火,这种旧观念在农村十分
8月19日,市政府新聞办发布会消息,2020年线上中国国际智能产业博览会于9月15日至17日在重庆举办,将开展会议、展览、赛事、论坛及多场发布会等一系列活动。本届智博会由重庆市政府会同工信部、国家发改委、国家网信办、科技部、中国科学院、中国工程院、中国科协等部委,以及新加坡贸工部共同举办。其中,国家发改委、国家网信办和新加坡贸工部为新增主办单位,在新加坡设分会场。  On August 19, t
脱贫攻坚是一个综合大考场。在这场收官大考中,位于成渝地区双城经济圈建设战略支点的永川一直都在紧张地赶考。  永川区乡镇(街道)、村(社区)同在一个考场,所有党员干部都是应考者。考试的内容,不仅有习近平总书记强调解决的“两不愁三保障”的突出问题,还有党员干部的使命担当与老百姓的幸福感知。  | 聚焦“两不愁”:绿水青山长出“增收银行” |  不愁吃不愁穿,一直以来都是老百姓最质朴的愿望。永川把解决“
现在是俄罗斯中学生毕业的季节。按照传统习惯,莫斯科的中学生们在参加完最后一次学校舞会之后,要到红场去迎接黎明的到来,以示他们的前途一片光明。  下诺夫哥罗德市的中学毕业生们在毕业晚会上,获得了一份带有当地商家和政府议员签名的债券,债券持有人可以在2012年,可以从有关公司领取1000美元的现金,但他们必须符合3个条件:必须在俄罗斯生活和工作10年;必须有健康的生活形象;必须建立稳定的家庭,至少生两