Microstructure and Texture Characterization in Nd:YAG Laser Welds of 5A90 Aluminum-Lithium Alloys

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Microstructure and texture characterization in Nd:YAG laser welds of 5A90 Aluminum-Lithium (Al-Li) alloys were studied by means of optical microscope (OM),electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).The solidification structure,misorientation angle,dislocation density and microtexture of the welds in 5A90 Al-Li alloys were investigated and compared with the unaffected base metal.The results show that microstructure and texture changes of the 5A90 Al-Li alloy after laser welding.The solidification structure results show that a zone of equiaxed grains (EQZ) along the fusion boundary is formed and the weld metal exhibits entirely equiaxed dendritic grains for 5A90 Al-Li alloy.EBSD study clearly shows the high angle boundaries (>15°) and microtexture changes for 5A90 Al-Li alloy after laser welding.TEM images indicate that the laser welding has no influence on the dislocation density. Microstructure and texture characterization in Nd: YAG laser welds of 5A90 Aluminum-Lithium (Al-Li) alloys were studied by means of optical microscope (OM), electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) , misorientation angle, dislocation density and microtexture of the welds in 5A90 Al-Li alloys were investigated and compared with the unaffected base metal. results show that microstructure and texture changes of the 5A90 Al-Li alloy after laser welding. solidification structure results show that a zone of equiaxed grains (EQZ) along the fusion boundary is formed and the weld metal exhibits entirely entirely equiaxed dendritic grains for 5A90 Al-Li alloy. EBSD study shows that high angle boundaries (> 15 °) and microtexture changes for 5A90 Al-Li alloy after laser welding. TEM images indicate that the laser welding has no influence on the dislocation density.
邓颖超是伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家、著名社会活动家,坚定的马克思主义者,党和国家的卓越领导人。她是20世纪中国妇女运动的先驱,也是中国妇女的杰出代表。在她颠沛流离、备尝艰辛的早年人生经历中,是平凡却坚强的母亲杨振德,以自己独立自强、逆境求生、乐观向上的意志品质,言传身教了一位新时代的伟大女性,造就了这位中国妇女界的杰出领袖。  1940年4月2日,65岁高龄、在贵阳市青岩镇居住的杨振德给在回国途
一  对五十三岁的独山莫友芝来说,同治二年(1863)有些不寻常。这一年的正月,他得到了唐写本《说文·木部》残卷;年底,李鸿章等人又举荐他和郑珍等十四人出任江苏知县,这意味着他终于有机会可以步入官场。但是对于这一次举荐,他并没有什么兴趣,拟之为“以不嫁老女,忽而强之适人”。早已淡却了仕宦的热情,而一个文献学家发现唐本的喜悦却更为强烈。早在两年之前,抱着“亲炙当代伟人,开拓胸臆”的素志,离开尚且安定