震惊中外的“西安事变”改变了中国的历史进程,也深深影响了张学良、杨虎城将军及其亲属们的命运。整整60年过去了,在历史的风云变幻中,他们都有着什么样的经历?我们为此走访了张、杨将军的部分亲属、子女…… 张学良将军在大陆的亲属们
The “Xi’an Incident” that shocked China and other countries changed the course of China’s history and deeply affected the fate of General Zhang Xueliang, General Yang Hucheng and their relatives. For the past 60 years, what kind of experience have they had in the vicissitudes of history? We visited Zhang and some of General Yang’s relatives and children for this purpose ... General Zhang Xueliang’s relatives in mainland China