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走进康县甘石坝村,提起县人大代表、村支书李进才,群众无不竖起大拇指。甘石坝村共有87户,410人,全村耕地面积550亩,且多是土薄地陡石头多的山坡地。1995年以前,全村仅有的财产是2000多元难以收回的欠账和存折上的几毛钱,全村人均有粮不足300斤,人均纯收入仅260元,群众生活贫困,村上的工作很难开展,领导班子处于瘫痪状态,是有名的后进村、难缠村。面对这样一个烂摊子,李进才勇敢的挑起重担,当上了村党支部书记。为了让农民既有粮吃,又有钱花,他在鼓励农民科学种田,发展种植、养殖业,立足实际发展运输业的同时,根据本村靠近县城的特点,和支部一班人积极想办法筹措资金,在靠近县城的略武公路旁修建商用房11间,出卖6间,当年就还清了3万多元的贷款,其余房子出租后每年为村上增加收入2500元。有了积累,他开办了村上的第一个企业——采石场,承包给本村的3个农民经营,每年为村上增加收入1500元。随后又办起了3个机砖厂,不但为村上增加了收入,还使本村剩余劳动力不出门就能打工挣钱。1996年,村里办起了特种 Into the Kang County Gan Shi Ba Village, filed county deputies, party secretary Li Jincai, the masses all thumbs up. There are a total of 87 households in Gaanshaba Village, with 410 people. The whole village has a cultivated area of ​​550 mu and mostly slopes of steep stones. Before 1995, the only property in the village was the unpaid debts of more than 2,000 yuan and a few cents on the passbook. The average per capita income of the whole village was less than 300 kg, and the per capita net income was only 260 yuan. The masses are living in poverty and the work in Murakami is very poor Difficult to carry out, the leadership team in a paralyzed state, is well-known backward village, difficult village. In the face of such a mess, Li Jincai bravely provoked the burden, became the village party branch secretary. In order to enable farmers to have both food and money, he encouraged farmers to farm their fields scientifically and develop planting and breeding industries. While basing themselves on the actual development of the transport industry, he and his sub-group of people actively sought ways to raise funds according to the characteristics of the village close to the county seat Funds, in the county near the Lvwu road next to the construction of commercial buildings 11, betrayed 6, then pay more than 30,000 yuan in loans, the rest of the house after the annual rental income for the village 2,500 yuan. With the accumulation, he opened the first enterprise in Murakami - quarry and contracted to three farmers in the village to work, adding 1,500 yuan to Murakami annually. Then they set up three machine-brick factories, which not only increased their incomes for Murakami, but also made the remaining labor in the village earn money to work without going out. In 1996, the village started a special
全文共分三部分。本文是第一部分:“密封轴承的性能和结构”。主要介绍内密封装置,列出了16种典型内密封轴承的主要性能,内密封材料的主要性能和密封圈的紧 固方式。详述了密
合成了磺基水杨酸、邻菲口罗啉与 5种轻稀土的三元固体配合物 .通过元素和化学分析确定了配合物的化学组成 ,并用红外光谱、紫外光谱、荧光光谱、摩尔电导等对配合物进行了表