The dry sticky stone exterior of the building has been found in people’s impressions as having uneven distribution of pebbles and severe threshing. However, the above defects can be solved through the improvement of the construction process. Since 1982, Shaoyang City has used mechanical spray stone technology in the construction of exterior decoration of 16 buildings. The decorative surface area is more than 20,000 square meters. The quality of the facing surface not only overcomes the uneven distribution of threshing and stony grains. Defects, and the smoothness and color of the finishes have achieved good results. First, the choice of tools We have adopted a handheld sprayer and PSQ_2-1 pneumatic sprayer. Comparing the two, the former has a small hopper volume and needs someone to feed the stone. The operator uses the hand to lift the bucket to work. It is labor-intensive and inconvenient to use. The latter is light and flexible, easy to handle, and provides favorable operating conditions for improving the quality of jetting. Therefore, we chose PSQ_2-1 pneumatic spray stone