农宝牌丰产素是农业部推荐使用的新型植物生长调节剂,为探讨其对芦笋的增产效应,我们于1998年在芦笋上进行施用试验,结果如下。1 材料与方法试验设在东山县康美镇美山村,试验地为砂壤土,肥力中上一致,排灌便利。供试芦笋品种为美国UC800,6年生,长势平衡。?
Nongbo brand is a new plant growth regulator recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture. In order to explore its increasing effect on the production of asparagus, we conducted the test on asparagus in 1998 with the following results. MATERIALS AND METHODS The experiment was conducted in Meishan Village, Kangmei Town, Dongshan County. The test site was sandy loam, with the same fertility and convenient irrigation and drainage. Asparagus test varieties for the United States UC800 6 year old, growing balance. ?