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中长跑项目的训练特点是运动量大,持续时间长, 这在训练中也加深了机体的疲劳。如果疲劳不能很快地消除,就不能连续完成训练任务,使训练受到严重影响,因此要把青少年中长跑训练后疲劳的消除提到重要的位置。恢复是训练中不可分割的一部分,运动后的恢复与训练中的负荷有同等重要的作用。没有负荷就没有疲劳,没有疲劳就没有超量恢复,没有超量恢复也就没有提高。在以往的业余训练中,有些教练员只是把训练放在第一位,忽视了疲劳的消除,这是一种不科学的跟着疲劳走的被动训练,无法保证中长跑训练的高强度大负荷,不可能达到和保持较高的训练水平。同时,将会影响青少年的生长发育,无法使青少年有充沛的精力投入到学习中,因此本文从多层次浅谈青少年中长跑的疲劳产生原因及机能恢复手段和营养补充的方法。 Middle and long-distance running characteristics of the training project is a large amount of exercise, lasting a long time, which also deepens the body’s fatigue in training. If the fatigue can not be quickly eliminated, the training task can not be completed continuously and the training is seriously affected. Therefore, the elimination of fatigue after the middle-aged and long-distance running training for youngsters should be mentioned in an important position. Recovery is an integral part of training, and recovery after exercise is as important as load in training. There is no fatigue without load, no fatigue without over-recovery, there is no increase without over-recovery. In the past, amateur training, some coaches only put training first, ignoring the elimination of fatigue, which is an unscientific passive follow the fatigue training, can not guarantee the training of high-strength long-distance heavy load, It is impossible to achieve and maintain a high level of training. At the same time, it will affect the growth and development of adolescents and can not make adolescents have plenty of energy into learning. Therefore, this article discusses the reasons for the fatigue of middle-aged and long-distance adolescent middle-aged and long-distance running and the methods of functional recovery and nutritional supplements.
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