钷 is a rare earth element, there are 17 radioisotopes, of which 钷 -147 most toxicologically.钷 -147 is one of the fission products of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 nuclei in nuclear explosions or reactors. In the fresh mixed fission products, 钷 -147 accounts for about 0.4%, and grows with time, a corresponding increase in the share of the first year accounted for 8.2%, the second year accounted for 20% ~ ([1]).钷 -147 is a pure beta radiator with a maximum energy of beta-particles of 0.233 MeV (~ 100%) and a half-life of 2.62 years. As 钷 -147 radiation toxicity than radium -226 small, in recent years mostly used as a fluorescent paint excitation energy, but also will increase 钷 -147 into the body’s possibility.钷 -147 into the body, the main accumulation in reticuloendothelial organs, which in the liver