The method of simultaneous wellbore pressure and freewheeling measured by production logging and well test analysis combined with optimal treatment is proposed. The well storage effect is effectively eliminated and the formation parameters obtained by early pressure recovery data are achieved. Based on the basic equations of variable flow (Duhamel principle), the equation of shut-in pressure is deduced, and the theoretical shut-in pressure is calculated by using the measured continuous flow and the estimated value of formation parameters. Based on the least squares method, a nonlinear objective function is established for the theoretical pressure and the constraints of the actual pressure gauge. The constraints are the range of formation parameters and the measured pressure. The optimal method is used to solve this objective function. The computer continuously adjusts the parameter estimation to minimize it, and the theoretical pressure matches the measured pressure to reverse the formation parameters. For the sake of comparison, we calculated the theoretical well shut-in pressure by using the homogeneous reservoir model with well-reserve effect as an example to calculate the formation parameters by the same method. The article dealt with the early data of three wells measured. From the data processing and comparison results, the method is simple, the results are reliable, and can be used as a comparison and verification of other means of interpretation.