A Study on the Tectonic Characteristics of Shallow Faults in the East of Zhengzhou City

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Orange_zz
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Study on fault activity is a fundamental part of earthquake prediction and earthquake relief in big cities.In the active fault exploration in Zhengzhou,the spatial distribution,geological features and activity of the Huayuankou fault,the Shangjie fault and the Xushui fault were determined using the seismic prospecting method.New understanding about the characteristics of the faults was gained.This provides reliable basic data for future earthquake forecast and earthquake relief work in Zhengzhou.In addition,we proposed some ways to identify fault activity through analyzing the characteristics of the activity of a fault and raised an effective method for exploring active faults in big cities and exploring concealed faults in regions covered with thick overburdens. Study on fault activity is a fundamental part of earthquake prediction and earthquake relief in big cities. The active fault exploration in Zhengzhou, the spatial distribution, geological features and activity of the Huayuankou fault, the Shangjie fault and the Xushui fault were determined using the new prospect about the characteristics of the faults was gained. This provides reliable basic data for future earthquake forecast and earthquake relief work in Zhengzhou. addition, we proposed some ways to identify fault activity through analyzing the characteristics of the activity of a fault and raised an effective method for exploring active faults in big cities and exploring concealed faults in regions covered with thick overburdens.
摘 要: 建立学生“数据分析观念”,要让学生充分进行数学活动:学生亲身经历收集数据、整理数据和描述、分析数据的全过程,然后在数学活动过程中增加学生的数学活动经验,从而培养学生的数据分析观念。主要的探索过程可以实践:创设问题情境,激发学生兴趣,体会需要收集数据;开展多样活动,发挥学生主体性,学会收集数据;提供不同形式,鼓励学生的发散思维,会用多种手段整理和描述信息;合并思维过程,培养学生的整合能力,
摘 要:小组活动是课堂教学中合作学习的主要形式,英语教学也不例外。小组活动能培养学生的合作精神,促进学生之间互相交往,增进他们的情感交流,对班级工作的开展也具有积极的意义。因此,在教学中,要提高小组活动的有效性。  关键词:小组活动;提高;高中英语;有效性  为了强化对英语知识的吸收,优化课堂教学,改变学生单一的学习方式,我在这几年的高中英语教学中,注重小组活动的开展及实效性。颇有收获。小组活动是
摘 要:中国民歌经历了数千年的积累、创新、传播和发展,它是中国民间音乐不断丰富和发展的源泉,山东省作为中国一大省区,其民间艺术非常丰富,山东民歌更为广泛分布,以山东苍山地区民歌《绣荷包》这首传统民间小调为例,来分析、总结山东民歌的特征。  关键词:中国民歌;山东民歌;民间小调;苍山《绣荷包》  山东民歌根源深厚,多少年来,始终以它顽强的生命力,朴实的风格伴随着历史,一代一代流传不断,成为我国民族民
摘 要:课堂教学是学生学习文化科学知识的主阵地,也是对学生进行思想品德教育的主渠道。新的形势下,教学观念直接影响课堂教学效率,没有先进的教学理念,再好的教材,再完善的教学方法,也不能有效地提高课堂教学效率和教学质量。因此,作为一名普通初中数学教师,更要牢固树立“以学生为本”的全新理念,充分认识学生的主体地位和能动作用。向课堂40分钟要质量,如何组织高效率的课堂教学是值得我们的关注与思考的问题。  
This paper introduces briefly the basic principles of various seismic prospecting techniques and working methods according to nationwide practices of seismic pr
HD+在是研究分子离子同位素效应等方面最简单和理想的离子,并且在天体物理等领域有重要应用。但在实验测量其核间距和结合能研究中不可避免会混入 H3+从而对实验结果产生影响