Related party transactions in listed companies accounted for a significant proportion of transactions between each other. On the one hand, due to the special relationship between related parties, transaction costs of related-party assets can be saved and the company’s market competitiveness can be enhanced. This advantage makes the related party asset transactions exist in a large number of listed companies. On the other hand, in order to increase the value of the company, to reverse the suspension of the listing or to control the profits, and to carry out transactions with unfairly related assets for its own purposes, the management risks the auditors’ audit risk to be increased by the management using the related party asset transactions to manipulate profits or fraud . This paper examines the related party transactions of assets of listed companies in 2010-2011 as a sample to examine the impact of the related party transactions of listed companies on the audit costs. The study finds that the listed companies and their related parties will increase the audit fees when trading assets, especially the transaction based on the negotiation pricing principle will increase the audit fees, and the total transaction amount of related party assets will also affect the audit fees.