这个时代似乎就活该明星们那么养眼那么显眼,那么叱咤风云。也难怪。有娱记们“翻来覆去”的炒着,有“星族”们玩儿了命的追着,“星儿们”不风光才怪呢? 儿时崇尚英雄。岳飞、文天祥、辛弃疾……越听越有“愤怒出诗人”的激情,然实在不过缘于少年之志。稍有阅历,就特别佩服有道德、有修养之士。譬如电影界的赵丹、秦怡、孙道临等等。凭直觉他们特有修养,特有道德;再譬如科学界的泰斗华罗庚、李四光等等。那对科学的执著之情,那拳拳的抱国之心,怎一个“钱”字了得。方始之浑浑噩噩到天命之年,最起码深知为人之德。 也就是在非典时期,一位足以
This era seems to live so bright that the stars so conspicuous, then all-powerful. No wonder. There are entertainment reporters who “over and over” the speculation, there are “stars” who play chasing, “Stars children” is not strange it? Childhood advocate heroes. Yue Fei, Wen Tianxiang, Xin Qiji ... The more you listen to the “passionate poet” passion, but in reality but due to the will of young people. A little experience, it is particularly admired ethics, people with self-cultivation. For example, the film industry Zhao Dan, Qin Yi, Sun Road Pro and so on. Intuitively, they are unique in their cultivation and their own morality. Another example is the fierce fighting in the scientific community, Hua Luogeng, Li Siguang and others. That dedication to science, that boxing’s hold the country’s heart, how a “money” was ridiculous. The beginning of the unexamined side to the destiny of the year, at least well aware of the virtue of man. That is, during the SARS period, one is enough